Words Can be art
I would say that most people don’t consider that words can be art. There was a time that I would have thought that way, too. The older I get the more I appreciate a beautifully worded story, card, Facebook post, or poem. As a matter of fact, poems that I learned as a child or as a teenager now provide so much inspiration for me.
words invoke feelings and learning
I started considering this today when I began preparing posts for our upcoming Live sale, Ghostly Gathering. When I think about things that can inspire an eerie feeling, Edgar Allen Poe tends to pop into my mind. I think this comes from my studies of his works in high school.
As a teacher and parent, I have realized the importance of rhymes and riddles in teaching children to learn to read and enjoy the written word. Nursery rhymes are the keystone of developing literacy in young children in my opinion. My opinion, by the way, is backed up with over thirty years of parenting and grandparenting as well as more than twenty years of teaching.
Words are artful just like paintings
But, more than just the utility of using nursery rhymes for a purpose is that they are fun, and catchy. I can still draw from my bank of nursery rhymes that I knew as a child to entertain a fussy toddler. Those flowing words create mood, emotion, and distraction when needed. I believe those same characteristics apply to a painting or sculpture.
Over the years, some words and phrases in particular have made an impression on me. Nevermore, is one of them. I may not have realized when we were reading and memorizing Edgar Allen Poe in high school that I would still be using his words to enhance the spooky vibes of the harvest season. I treasure those words that I remember now. Obviously, some memorization in school is completely pointless, but I see the value in memorizing poetry.

It is my belief that a teacher can inspire art with words in order to teach public speaking, tempo, and expression. I know most people would agree that listening to someone read or speak using expression is much better than listening to the same speaker without expression. Kids are the same way. I see daily how use of the written or spoken word can bore them or move them.
My memory of mamaw involves words
My mamaw, my mom’s mom, recited poetry all the time. It is one of the memories about her that I cherish most. I’m sure she was taught that as a child. This was something from her education that she used until the end of her life to entertain herself and the children in our family.

"Dear Mother, how pretty the moon looks to-night! She was never so cunning before; Her two little horns are so sharp and so bright, I hope she'll not grow any more." Poem excerpt from "The New Moon" originally written by Mary Howitt In loving memory of Imogene Caudill who made this poem so special that I can still hear it in her voice.
Words can be art
Let’s remember that words can be art and inspire future generations to use the spoken, and written, word creatively. These words can add so much to our lives just like a beautiful piece of art. Furthermore, unlike traditional art, words can be carried around with us inside our heads and hearts.
I love that you love poetry so much. My love for this began at a very early age with my Uncle Ray Back teaching me The Night before Christmas. As a very tiny first grader at Dixon School I stood on a wooden crate and recited this for our Christmas play.
I love this story! Thank you for sharing this with me!
Thank you!
Love everything about this… and the photo of your mamaw brought a flood of beautiful memories of big smiles and hugs. Also, of course, evoked memories of my mother too. 🥹
Thank you! Your mom enhanced my love of the written word. She taught me so much and was such a kind person! I know you miss her. Thanks for taking the time to comment.
Just beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing!
Thank you! That means so much coming from you!